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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: pfinch@best.com (Phillip Finch)
Subject: missing format plug-ins
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
Okay, I'm stumped.
I'm trying to save an object in .dxf format, using Modeler 4.0, release,
Intel, NT. I can't do it because I can't find the plug-in on my Custom list.
In fact, the only format plug-ins that I can find at all (in Modeler) are
those for VRML.
They are all in the plugins/modeler directory: loacad.p, liacad.p, lo3ds.p,
etc... They are all listed in the lwm.cfg file--as they should be, because I
have loaded them several times. They just don't show up on the list with all
the others.
In fact, now that I double-check it, none of the plug-ins in the
"MeshDataEdit" or "ObjectLoader" plugin classes appear on my Custom list,
even though they exist in the proper directory and are listed on my .cfg
file. (And, no, I don't get the options in the Load/Save dialogue box,
Am I missing something incredibly dumb and obvious?